As you may already be aware, construction of the NnG Offshore Wind Farm, jointly owned by EDF Renewables and ESB, started earlier this year.
We paused construction of the project in March due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
I am writing to let you know that following the latest Scottish Government guidance on infrastructure projects in the energy sector, NnG may resume construction during the week beginning Monday 18th May at the earliest.
Health and safety is at the forefront of what we do and I want to assure you that, as well as strictly following the Scottish Government guidance, and in particular physical distancing, all workers have been instructed to travel directly to the sites and avoid using any local amenities unless absolutely necessary.
Initially, we will only have a few people on site to put in place control measures so the rest of the team can start work safely later that week. Once that’s happened we will have a reduced workforce on site, including essential supervisory staff.
The arrangements we have put in place will be under regular review as we continue to closely monitor COVID-19 and follow the Scottish Government’s guidance.
I hope you find this update helpful, you can find out more about our onshore works here.
Thank you very much for your patience and continued support.
Matthias Haag, NnG Project Director