NnG Onshore Update

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NnG Offshore Wind Project Director, Matthias Haag, has provided an update to local residents and wider stakeholders on the current status of the onshore wind construction in relation to the project.

Read the full update here and Matthias’ message below.

Onshore project update from NnG Offshore Wind Project Director, Matthias Haag

I wanted to write to you to give you a further update on the Neart na Gaoithe (NnG) Offshore Wind Farm. As you know, NnG construction started in May 2020 following a short pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic and works have been ongoing both onshore and offshore since.

The installation of the two underground cables between Thorntonloch Beach and our substation site in the Lammermuir Hills has been completed, as has the horizontal directional drill underneath the beach. Works to construct a new substation at Crystal Rig II Onshore Wind Farm to connect NnG to the National Grid are close to completion, this leaflet provides further information about what to expect over the coming months.

Elsewhere on the project, earlier this year we completed construction of our Operations and Maintenance base in Eyemouth and have successfully completed installation of our two offshore substations, and our offshore export cables, connecting the wind farm to the onshore export cable at Thorntonloch.

We have recently commenced installation of our inter-array cables offshore, which will connect all the wind turbines to our two offshore substations. On a clear day, you will also be able to see a number of large vessels working on our wind farm site installing foundations and jackets for our wind turbines. The wind turbines themselves are expected to start being installed this summer.

Some works are more visible than others, and we will do all we can to minimise any disruption to you. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via email at info@nngoffshorewind.com or call 0131 376 0900.

Thank you very much for your continued patience and support.

Matthias Haag, Project Director