Two very sizeable transformers that will help connect the NnG offshore wind farm to the National Grid will be delivered to the site of the project’s onshore substation this weekend (11th and 12th December).
One transformer will begin travelling from Saturday at 6.30am. It will travel from Torness via the A1 and be delivered to the substation site with escort and support vehicles. The second transformer will make the same journey from the same time on Sunday.
In order to complete these deliveries safely, a rolling road closure will be in place along the delivery route which is highlighted in red on the map pictured here.
Unfortunately, local bus services are affected. The Borders Buses route 253 (Berwick-upon-Tweed to Edinburgh) scheduled to stop at Innerwick on Saturday at 7.09am will be diverted along the A1 and will not be able to stop at Innerwick. Please contact Borders Buses on 01896 754350 for further information.
Due to the nature of these deliveries, pedestrian and bicycle access will not be possible through the rolling road closure.