The Neart na Gaoithe project team held four supply chain events earlier this month in East Lothian, Fife, Dundee and Aberdeen.
These events were a resounding success with over 450 members of the Scottish supply attending what was one of the biggest series of events like this to have ever been held in Scotland
The NnG offshore wind farm is an important project for Scotland. EDF Renewables and ESB, joint owners of NnG, and its Tier 1 contractors are confident that the Scottish supply chain can play a big part in supporting delivery of the project.
The Tier 1 contractors gave a comprehensive overview of the scope of work to be delivered throughout the project’s construction and highlighted potential opportunities available to the local supply chain.
EDF Renewables, the Tier One contractors and the NnG project team would like to thank those from the Scottish supply chain who took time out of their busy schedules to attend.
A lot has happened over the last few weeks and the coronavirus pandemic is now at the forefront of people’s minds but all the presentations made at the supply chain events are now available.
To view the presentations from each supply chain event please go to: