A Scoping Report for the proposed grid connection works is now available for comment.
The proposed grid connection point for the Neart na Gaoithe offshore wind farm is located at Crystal Rig II onshore wind farm in East Lothian. The onshore grid connection works comprise a cable jointing pit close to the shore, approximately 12 km of buried cable and a new substation adjacent to the existing substation at Crystal Rig II.
Land Use Consultants (LUC) has been commissioned by the wind farm developer, Mainstream Renewable Power, to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment of the onshore grid connection works.
A Scoping Report is now available on the downloads section of this website. The report summarises the proposed onshore works, describes key issues and sets out the approach to the Environmental Impact Assessment.
Comments on the Scoping Report can be made by email to: info@neartnagaoithe.com
Or by post to:
Environmental Developer
Mainstream Renewable Power
Abbey Business Centre
The Beacon
176 St. Vincent Street
G2 5SG
Comments should be submitted by Friday 10th February.
Following the scoping phase, an Environmental Statement setting out the findings of the Environmental Impact Assessment will be prepared. The Environmental Statement will be submitted to East Lothian Council with the planning application for the onshore works. At that stage the public will be invited to comment on the application and the Environmental Statement will be available to view on this website.