Local businesses get the chance to make new wind farm Operations and Maintenance base shine

dylanmacdonaldLatest News

Local service providers are to be given the chance to bid for contracts to support Eyemouth’s soon-to-open Operations and Maintenance (O&M) base for the Neart na Gaoithe (NnG) offshore wind farm.

Details of the contracts – from cleaning to catering and from gardening to gritting – will be outlined at a Business Breakfast to be held at The Heathers Restaurant, Eyemouth Golf Club, on Wednesday 28th September.

The Business Breakfast will include a short presentation and update on the project, details of the services needed from local businesses and of the procurement process that will be undertaken – not to mention teas, coffees and breakfast rolls. Starting at 8.30am, it will conclude by 10.00am. Anyone wishing to attend should either email their details to: nng@sprengthomson.com or text them to: 07803 970103**.

Fiona Thomson of NnG Offshore Wind, said:

“The NnG Operations and Maintenance Base is very nearly complete and is looking great. We are very grateful for all the support we have received locally for the delivery of this project and are determined that, wherever possible, local businesses get the chance to deliver the contracts that we now need to put in place.

“We are committed to supporting local businesses and we know the O&M Base will benefit from being looked after by local people who take such a pride in their community.

“So, if you think you can help to support the ongoing maintenance of the O&M Base, which will in turn support the NnG offshore wind farm for its 25-year lifespan, then please come along to Eyemouth Golf Club on 28th September.”

NnG, which is owned by EDF Renewables UK and ESB, will supply enough low carbon electricity for around 375,000* homes and has a capacity of c. 450MW of low carbon energy and will offset over 400,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions each year.

The NnG O&M base includes a 1,040 square metre, three storey operations and maintenance building alongside a 538 square metre warehouse. The base houses the operational control room from which the wind farm will be commissioned, and then monitored, once operational, in 2024. It will monitor its energy production, weather conditions, turbine performance and delivery of clean energy to the National Grid. The control room team will also monitor and control the movement of wind farm vessels into and out of Eyemouth Harbour and the site of the wind farm itself, which is located off the coast of Fife.

The building also houses staff welfare facilities, collaborative workspaces, changing rooms, drying rooms, locker rooms and briefing areas for the team of technicians based there.